Laws of the Universe

Quote: Kathie Lee Gilford

The laws of the universe are simple. You cannot turn them off. The laws are always in play.

When someone says learn how to use the ‘the law of attraction’ that is a miss statement. It’s just like gravity. You don’t learn how to use gravity. You know you have to respect that gravity is always working. It’s always, always at play.

You are always always always using ‘law of attraction’. You maybe not be enjoying the things are coming to you or at you. LOA is always on. It’s time to have respect for it and have some fun with it.

If you can remember this ‘the Law of Attraction is always at play in my life

Now what do I want to do with it.

Wouldn’t it be great to think of some fun ways for LOA to show-up in your life and to begin to make it a fun way of being.

Enjoy your play-time.

Thoughts from Spirit and Me @starg_juliet

The Power of Cruise Control

How many of you remember that your vehicle comes equipped with the wonderful feature of “Cruise Control”
Or better yet make use of this fabulous feature that comes standard with your vehicle of choice.

Well I didn’t remember, until a few years ago, when I was teaching my very intuitive son how to drive, he says ‘hey what’s this button… can I use it?’

I was then reminded of the Power of Cruise Control… How this simple flip of a switch can change your driving experience from one of tension to one of sit back and relax mode.

Setting the ‘Cruise’ mode I relaxed more, I sat back in my seat and I took more around me. With the car adjusting its speed to keep pace, it meant I could get more enjoyment out of my driving experience.

The another thing I discovered while being in cruise mode, was there would be times I had to slow my set speed or increase the speed. As well there were times I had to take off cruise if the traffic wasn’t at a my steady pace of flowing.

Meaning although life can be set on auto pilot there will be times you may be required to slow down or speed up the pace. As well sometimes you have to get in active creative mode to stay on course and avoid any collusions.

I have found there are no accidents really I either have allowed myself to be distracted or have ignored my intuitive guidance when I was flowing.

Being in cruise mode can be relaxing and fun then I can enjoy more of my traveling experience.
And since I know all the world may not be up to speed with me or to keep pace with my destination, adjustments are necessary to stay in my flow.

There will come a time when we all will be enjoying the Power of Cruise Control while keeping pace with the speed of light…. I hear it’s the best way to travel.

For now, I enjoy being in cruise mode and enjoying my experiences along my way.

My cruising vehicle… Love it!!!


Enjoy yours!!!

Much Love and Joy!

My Sunday Reflection

Moving to the Front of the Line

How many of you are truly willing to be 1st to cross the finish-line, reach your goal, be at the top of the mountain?

When I was younger, I had no problem being the 1st or doing things differently from others …

Over time, however, I’ve became a little less likely by putting others 1st, taking the backseat and literally conformed to its better to Give than Receive , which I believe I translated into its better to Give-Up, compromise, or settle rather than to succeed.

If you can relate, you know exactly where I’m coming from.

After becoming more aware of my divine nature, I began remembering what would happen when I created or asked from a place of feeling good, meaning feeling good to me and only me.

Well of course wonderful, sometimes magical experience happened.
I notice that as these things were happening, it was easy to share my joy with my family and friends whom understood me and my inner inspiration.

Yesterday however, I notice when I was feeling tired how easy it was for me to slip back into the pattern of settling…

Here’s the scenario, now others may not have connected the dots, I know it comes from my open awareness which makes it easy to shift once its been presented to me.

I arrived at the bus station after a long workday, and my bus was delayed. I waited patiently and as the platform began to fill, I saw myself standing back allowing everyone to go forward, partly annoyed at the delay, tired, a bit cranky and cold.
Dreaming of my car I realized the platform kept filling more and I was even further back.

So I made, what I thought easier choice, it was a quick decision to go the longer route. Deciding that it would be great just to sit and not be in the cold etc…
So I convinced myself and off I went.

When I arrive home, over an hour later, my son says what took you so long?
He ask or more of a statement “why did you go the long route instead moving up to the “front of the line”
Those words rocked my world as I began justifying why I choose the long route.
And as he laughed and sound so much like me, I realized what I had done.

I did this last week with a great vacation opportunity and allowed my self now to be wait-listed.

Many other mini flashes of how I do that back step.
How many times do I move to the back of the line and then settle for the long route?

Am I willing to move to the front of the line?

I was grateful for the awareness that has now triggered my shift and opening up my proactive conscious creation even more.

I ask How can I do this better… And I say thanks for the present/gift being brought to me in this moment.

Today’s Mantra

I am willing to be first
I am willing to lead/guide the way
I am willing to be First

Much Love and Joy

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